- Art & Community
Tusa, in his book Art Matters, defines the human capacity to
create music, dance, literature, theatre and visual art this way:
"Art is about searching and sometimes finding; it defines pain
and sorrow and sometimes softens them; it is about exploring
confusion and defining disorder; it is about sharing the private and
listening in silence... it is diverse... it resists categories
and makes connections across them..."
His references to diversity, to making connections, to sharing and
listening, make clear the links between art and community.
Creating and sharing art is one of the ways in which communities are
built and
sustained, and people's lives are illuminated.
Often people are identified as artists because they see the world
differently. Because their perspectives are unusual, their means of
self-expression are also unique.
Their "art" lies partly in their ability to cause us to
question our
assumptions and beliefs, to encourage us to consider different
visions of the ordinary.
One of the gifts shared by many people with disabilities is that
they, too,
see the world differently and they, too, challenge us to rethink the
we take for granted.
Adapting to an environment designed for people who are equipped to
function in ways you are not, is an art in itself. Creativity is an
inherent part of living with a disability; daily life often demands
the invention or
development of alternative ways of doing and communicating.
And art that expresses the vision of people with disabilities is
to PHILIA's notion of an inclusive community that draws on and is
enriched by the gifts of all its members.
commentary on, ‘The Art of Disability’ by award winning film
maker Bonnie Sherr Klein click here or on the
STRAMP button on the left.
comments by Governor General Adrienne Clarkson at the opening of
KickstART! - Celebration of Disability, Arts and Culture please
click here