Image of Dialogue on Citizenship poster

A Dialogue on Citizenship 

with Catherine Frazee and
Michael Ignatieff
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Reflections on Inspiration

Acrobat Reader required


 5 Types of Action     PHILIA Dialogues     Involving All Neighbours
Geel Kolonie - City of "Fools"?



The Philia Dialogue is about a new way of thinking and a new way of acting about issues of citizenship and issues of disability.  In this section of our web site we want to profile activities that fit within the Philia way of thinking.

We welcome your suggestions, references and referrals.  Please send us activities you are directly involved with or actions others have taken which have impressed you.

Send us your contributions and suggestions by clicking the button below:

Actions can be: Catalytic; Inspiring; Inhibiting; Liberating; and Nourishing. For a fuller description of these types of actions click here.



Philia Dialogues – a series of dialogues involving 
John Ralston Saul; Margaret Somerville; 
Jacques Dufresne; Sherri Torjman; Colin Maloney;
and Henry Mintzberg

Involving All Neighbors – a remarkable neighborhood involvement program out of Seattle.

Geel Kolonie:  City of "Fools"? Since the Middle Ages one town in Belgium has defied all established practices in dealing with the mentally ill.


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