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Philia Ambassadors

Paul Reed

Born in Peterborough, Ontario, 1944

B.A. (Hons.) Social Psychology and Sociology, Glendon College, York University, 1967

M.A & Ph.D., University of Toronto, 1973

Senior Social Scientist, Statistics Canada, 1990-; Research Faculty Member, Canadian Centre for Management Development, 1993-1998

Director General, Analytical Studies Branch, Statistics Canada, 1984-1990

Director, Research and Analysis Division, Statistics Canada, 1980-1984

Member, Cabinet Briefing Team, Privy Council Office, 1974-1976

Faculty member in Departments of Law and Sociology/Anthropology, Carleton University, 1990-

Associate Director, Centre for Applied Social Research, Carleton University, 2000-

Fellow, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, 1989-1995

Senior Research Fellow, New Zealand Research Council, 1978

CMHC Urban Studies Fellow, 1967-1970

Fellow, Centre on Governance, University of Ottawa, 1997-present

Consultant to Supreme Court of Canada, Ontario Department of the Attorney General, Ontario Law  Reform Commission, Federal Task Force on National Unity, New Zealand Department of Justice, and others

Expert Witness before Senate Standing Committee on Health, Welfare and Science, Ontario Municipal Board, and others

Recent research projects conducted for Canadian Bar Association, Fraser Institute, Hospital for Sick Children, Human Resources Development Canada, Canadian Policy Research Networks

Author/co-author of some 70 research papers, articles and monographs, including:

Homicide in Canada: A Statistical Synopsis

Divorce: Law and the Family in Canada

How Fragile the Social Fabric?

Editor, “The Professions in Canada” monograph series, University of Toronto Press;

Guest Editor, Canadian Journal of Statistics

Recent publications:  “Shifting the Burden: How Much Can Government Download to the Nonprofit Sector?”  Canadian Public Administration, Spring 1998 (with M. Hall);  “Canadians and Their Public Institutions”, Optimum, 28, 4, 1999 (with F. Graves);  “Civic Participation in Canada: Is Québec Different?”, Inroads, 8, 1999 (with G. Caldwell); “Distinguishing Characteristics of Active Volunteers in Canada”, NVSQ, 29, 4, 2000 (with K. Selbee); “The Civic Core in Canada: Disproportionality in Charitable Giving, Volunteering, and Civic Participation”, NVSQ, 30, 4, 2001 (with Kevin Selbee).

Lecturer at the University of Toronto, Université Laval, Queen’s University, Trent University, National Defence School

Active pilot/instructor, motorcyclist, amateur radio operator, photographer, designer & housebuilder



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